Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Carpool spectacle

I briefly mentioned in another post the process of getting out the door in the mornings. I've got 3 more weeks to get ready for a 7:00 leave time. We made it to school by 10:20 this morning so in fact our time is getting worse.

Having two in diapers presents several challenges in the morning. Once one diaper is changed, someone else needs a change. Realistically I can only change so many diapers before it's time to leave the house. 

The car ride to school is pretty easy because everyone is strapped in and occupied. This has become Addie's telephone time. She has learned to call who she wants BY HERSELF. And FaceTime. It's really entertaining to listen to her conversations.

I imagine the day when I drop all three of my kids off at school in a carpool line will be a glorious one. We are not there yet.

My process looks a little something like this:
Find a parking spot, put on the Baby Bjorn, put Bentley Claire in the Baby Bjorn, wipe away sweat. Walk around to Elle's door, put her socks and shoes back on, make sure everything is in the bag that should be and nothing extra. Hold her hand very tight as she climbs out of her carseat, sits down on the floorboard, and eases her way onto the pavement. Then there's Addie.

She usually brings her socks and shoes in the car and puts them on as we drive. If a movie is playing in the car or she has been on the phone, this does not happen and I don't usually notice until I have the other two kids out of the car and ready to go. We have pulled to the side quite a few times for Addie's own kindergarten carpool for the exact same reason. You might think we would have this figured out by now. Nope.

While I stand there, wearing Bentley Claire, trying to contain Elle, and sweating like I have just run a marathon, Addie takes her time getting dressed. She is my "door holder" so I can't get very far without her. There are some times that I might just take the whole carrier instead of messing with the Baby Bjorn. (That is never wise and we always end up looking like a circus act.)

None of my kids are drop-off criers. Elle waltzes right in the room every time. I try to get a kiss but I'm lucky if I get in a phrase like "Have a fun time" or "Love you, have a great day" before she has walked away.

I kid you not, when I peel off the Baby Bjorn, get BC back in her carrier, and make sure Addie is buckled, I have to take a minute to just sit in my driver's seat. I usually crank the air on Arctic blast and literally sit there.

Today Addie and I played a few rounds of dominoes and go fish before she was missing her buddy. (The only reason Elle has started school already is because her spot opened up early. Use it or lose it. Elle needs the structure and LOVES playing with other kids so I don't feel guilty for taking her for a little while while we run errands or I work.)

We do this whole act over again, in reverse order, when we pick her up. 


  1. "or she has been on the phone" Hilarious! Love you all!!!
    Aunt Suzanne

    1. We are bringing our circus to town at some point before September. Get excited

  2. This is hilarious! Sounds like my mornings! Wishing you lots of luck and success in making that 7am goal. it's not going to be easy. :-)
