Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fast forward

Hello's been a while. At 15 weeks pregnant I am physically feeling great. Besides morning nausea, I really can't complain. My biggest obstacle has been exhaustion. After a long day of teaching, it's really hard finding energy to keep up with Addie when I get home. Emotionally, I'm freaking out about going through the infant stage again. I know that we will be ok and it will all come back to me but I can't stop thinking about balancing it all as well as pumping in my spare time. In fact, this time I am going to try to pump even longer to avoid spending all of our money buying formula. 

I went and picked up some paint chips for the nursery today. No decisions have been made but I taped about 5 samples on the wall. They will probably stay there for months. Because we are not finding out, I guess it just doesn't feel as real yet. I'm sure I will start panicking in the summer...

In other news, Addie is gone to Dyersburg for the week. I know that she is having SO much fun but I already miss her terribly. She's my little sidekick and I really feel lost without her. Here is a pic that I got from Nonny at Cracker Barrel on the way.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The holidays have come and gone

We had a wonderful Christmas break full of eating, traveling, opening presents, and spending quality time with family. Andrew took off of work the last week so we were able to get some things done around the house but more importantly just hang out. On a typical day, he leaves the house long before we are awake and gets home right around dinner/bath/bedtime. It was awesome having him home with us. 

Addie loved Christmas but did not love opening one present after another. Who would have thought?! She wanted to play with each toy that she opened. I guess that means we will just have to limit the presents next year...

I'm not even going to talk about the day and a half we wasted trying to potty train a child that's not ready...what a joke! At least we are learning how to parent together...I wouldn't want to be married to a "know it all," ha!

Little Rock, Greenwood, Macon, and Oxford were all visited during the two week break. We had a fabulous pre-New Years celebration with our friends sans Addie. Our blessings are abundant. Great friends, wonderful family, and a healthy child!  

Some pics from the break: 
One of our road trips
 She is quite the cook these days!
Hanging out with the dogs. (Mayes visited while my parents were out of town.) 
Soaking up some knowledge on her Leapster Explorer
 Clearly too cool to smile
 Pretty new nightgown
So much fun