This weekend we went to Dyersburg for Brandon and Mari-Kate's wedding. Andrew was a groomsman and hadn't seen a lot of his high school friends since our engagement party so he had a good time. It was also pretty nice to get to sleep late while Nonny and Big "played"!! I think everyone enjoyed hanging out with Addie and I enjoyed the break.
Don't kill me for taking this picture! I caught Nonny reading to Addie after she got out of the shower. I thought it was cute!

John David finally got to meet Addie!

This was at the wedding. We are struggling for family pictures...

Nana got to spend some time with Addie (and even feed her!) She was really excited!

Grandmother and Pop saw Addie for the first time. It was really sweet!

Addie loved Pop!

This was on the way home. Addie slept for a solid 4 1/2 hours.

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