Yesterday Andrew, Addie, Charlie and I all loaded up and went to Mom and Dad's to swim. Andrew rode his bike over there and met us! We had a great time. Here are some pictures from the day.

Addie went to see her Dr. for her FOUR month checkup today. Of course I didn't know that she would be getting shots. Bless her heart! I happened to have some Tylenol in her diaper bag so I gave it to her when we got there. She had one vaccine orally and the other two were shots. She only cried when she got the last one. The nurse was really impressed! What can I say, she is tough like her mommy!
She is in the 97th percentile for weight and height which means that she is healthy and growing (not overweight though!! whew!). We get to start baby food! Normally, this wouldn't be so exciting because it leads to stinky diapers, messy kitchens and more work BUT I am making her baby food and I'm pumped!! I did a trial run yesterday with sweet potatoes. It was a breeze and it tasted wonderful. If every mom knew it was this easy, they would make baby food too. Not only is it easy; it's cheap and doesn't have any preservatives. Why not?! I also will start using my "Deceptively Delicious" cookbook that uses pureed food. Neat, ok...moving on...
This is what I use:
My delicious pureed sweet potatoes.

Here is a picture of Addie with her sweet bandaids.

I have a video of Addie, post-doctor visit in her exersaucer but it won't upload. I just added the batteries so she likes it a lot more now! She is acting fine so far but I'm sure it's the Tylenol...
**Here is the video that wouldn't upload...