I haven't posted in a few days and a lot has happened! Addie is laughing and making noises during the day now. Listening to her is one of my favorite things. I have some video that I will post sometime before she grows up...haha.

I think this is the cutest outfit. (Thanks Julie Summers!) She loves to smile, kick and stretch out!

Aunt KJ came to visit. I still just laugh at how different all of our lives are...

I piled up like 4 thick blankets since we don't have a rug yet (we are getting one this week or next week, hooray!). She and Charlie loved looking at each other. UNTIL Addie started to choke a little bit. So, I go over to pick her up and pat her back like I always do and she projectile spit up ALL OVER herself and me! Before I could get out the words "Oh my gosh," she did it again. For those of you who know me well, I hate to be dirty. All of this is taking place in the living room where we have pretty big windows in the front of the house and the back of the house. So, I stripped her down and I stripped down, I bathed her first and then I got in the bathtub. It was SO gross!

This Fisher Price bassinet is the greatest. It plays music and rocks back and forth. Addie just lays there and looks around if she isn't tired.
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