Sunday, January 30, 2011

12 days to go

My baby will be one in 12 days!!

She is pulling up completely on everything, everywhere. Her latest thing is trying to stand up in the middle of the floor without holding onto anything. I must admit, it's entertaining because she sticks her booty in the air and presses her hands and feet on the floor. Pushing the walker is also one of her favorite things to do.

You can barely see this picture but it's of Andrew and Addie cuddling in our bed. She has only slept in the bed with us twice but it is so fun to wake up to Addie giving me kisses! (I am aware that we should not have started this...ha!)
Showing off all 8 of her teeth
Playing hide and seek through her sippy cup
Living the life
She still LOVES her bottle. I guess that's the next thing to go :(
Typical that she doesn't want Charlie to have HER toy
Standing up to get the remote
Pushing her walker
The next post will probably be her little birthday party!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This time last year I was starting to pack for the trip to the hospital, type an "it's time" email and wrap my head around becoming a parent. As I watch everyone preparing for the same adventure, I just get so excited for them. There are no words to describe the feeling that you get when the nurses place your child in your arms for the first time. It's just a feeling that no one can prepare you for. No matter how many times you have run it through your's different than you could ever imagine. I remember it vividly.

I cannot believe that Addie will be one in 16 days! It has been an exciting journey.

I have gotten very comfortable with one child. It's not that I only want one child. We have both come to the realization as to how lucky we are to be able to drop her off with my parents, take her to a basketball game, go to dinner, etc. It's easy with one child. Throw another one in the mix and it complicates things. I'm just nowhere near ready for that. It may take a couple (to a few) years to prepare for that. Instead of worrying about "what's next" we are going to enjoy the present. Who knows what the future holds.

Here is a funny video of our two girls: