Since I have gone back to work, our life has been a roller coaster. We had to get a new nanny, Addie has gotten two bottom teeth with the top four coming through now, and Andrew has taken on a new role at work. Also, this is really minor but Addie has a hernia in her belly button. It really is no big deal and will go away on it's own but she still doesn't sit up on her own. I think it's because she strained those muscles so much with her "crunches." It's the weirdest thing...she has been doing her legs and head up like she really wants to sit up for months but she just can't quite get there. Haha! She can sort of stay up if you sit her down but she is still just flipping over constantly like a fish.
This is mainly for Haley...aka twenty questions...I mixed formula with my milk for the first time tonight. She took it just fine! I am going to mix for a week or two and then no more pumping! I am finally going to have a normal body again, sort of.
I guess our life will never be "normal" because well...what is normal? We just have to make the most of it. Here are some video clips and pictures of Addie.

It's the little things...
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