Andrew and I have both been very busy at work lately. It's pretty much a marathon until the end of May. However, we were able to squeeze in 3, yep that's right...THREE date nights this week! We did the Fleet Feet Pub Run Wednesday night, used a 20% off coupon and gift card to Local 463 Thursday night, and sent Addie to spend the night with Nonny and Big Friday night. I missed my little girl but really enjoyed 1 on 1 time with the hubby. Addie is so easy to take places, we don't do "date nights" very often. She usually just tags along. I have to admit, it was pretty nice!

I just loved this picture of Addie. She is getting to be a big girl but still loves that paci, being rocked and a bottle! No shame...
Favorite things...slamming the car door, getting out to check the gas, slamming the gas door, and repeating the process over and over.
Andrew might kill me for posting this. His Pop gave him a riding lawn mower. You would have thought he got a million dollars...

I can think of 10,000 things I should be doing...BUT Charlie, Addie and I are inside napping while Andrew is tackling the yard. Ha!