Aunt Laura and Olivia came to visit this weekend and dang if I didn't forget to get a picture with them!! Besides her oddly timed naps, she did great! Here are some pictures of her being silly while they were here.

Summer has come to a screeching halt! Day one of workshops (aka day one of being away from Addie) went well. I wish I could say the same about last night. I literally cried for hours! Yes, plural! I started thinking about how I will only be with Addie for 3 1/2 hours a day and on weekends and it just choked me up. My emotions are in overdrive. I am THRILLED that school is starting because I am always "on." There is never a dull moment. But at the same time, she will probably crawl, walk, and talk while I am working. The first two years are huge developmental years. Here I go again...moving on!
I think Addie and Melinda are going to get along marvelously! Addie crashed when I got home so I think they had a pretty fun day. Here is a pic of Addie and "Sam" snuggling.

On a more exciting/scary note, her tooth finally broke through her gums!! I guess that explains the clinginess. For the most part, she has been a trooper. It's only a matter of time before she has a mouth full of teeth! AND not only is tomorrow Sean's 15th's Addie's half birthday. AHH I can't believe it's gone by this fast!